bravecto for dogs dosage chart

Bravecto For Dogs Dosage Chart: How Much Bravecto Should I Give My Dog?

Bravecto Dosage Chart For Dogs: Risks, Side Effects, Dosage, And More

Bravecto comes in five different doses that can be given to dogs ranging in size from 4.4 to 123 pounds. Bravecto comes in chewable or oral forms that each give 11.4 mg per pound of body weight.The weight range that each dose of Bravecto is meant for is written on the package, so all you have to do is find the bravecto for dogs dosage chart box that says your dog’s weight. If your dog’s weight isn’t between 4.4 and 123 pounds, you should talk to your vet about how much to give.

What Is Bravecto?

The dog medicine Bravecto is used to treat and avoid ectoparasites. Ectoparasites are parasites like fleas, ticks, and skin bugs that live on the surface of your dog’s skin. The main thing that makes Bravecto work is a chemical named fluralaner.

When oral Bravecto is given to a dog, fluralaner is spread through their body and into their bloodstream. When fleas or ticks bite your dog’s skin to get to the blood, they are exposed to the fluralaner. When you put Bravecto on your dog’s skin, it works in a similar way, but the fluralaner stays just under the skin. Fleas die 8 hours after biting a dog that has been treated, and ticks die 12–48 hours after biting a dog that has been treated.

Oral Bravecto can also be used to treat skin mite diseases that are already present. Ear mites and sarcoptic mange will go away in one month, and demodectic mange will go away in two months. But Bravecto can’t treat skin illnesses caused by skin mites, so if your pup has a serious skin infection, they may still need a round of antibiotics.

Is It Ok For Dogs To Take Bravecto?

In the last few years, there has been a lot of false information about flea and tick medicine that has made pet owners tired of it. Even though any medication can cause side effects in a small number of dogs, most flea and tick preventives are safe as long as you follow your vet’s dosing guidelines. This also holds true for giving Bravecto to healthy dogs.

Studies show that Bravecto is usually safe for dogs and has a large safety margin. This study shows that there is a safety margin of more than five for Bravecto, which means that dogs can take five times their suggested dose without getting sick. Another study shows that dogs with a genetic mutation that makes them allergic to some flea and tick products can still take Bravecto without any problems. Most Border Collies have this change in their genes.

In the end, Bravecto is a safe drug that many veterinarians feel good about giving to dogs. Dogs older than eight weeks can take Bravecto by mouth, and dogs older than six months can use Bravecto on their skin.

How Does Bravecto Help Dogs?

With Bravecto, fleas, ticks, and skin mites on dogs can be treated and prevented. Let’s talk about why each of these ectoparasites needs to be treated.

Fleas: Fleas are small parasites that live off the blood of their hosts. Not only do flea bites hurt, but the feeling of fleas moving on the skin can be very itchy. When dogs have fleas, their skin may itch, turn red, become dry, lose fur, and get sores. Anemia can also be caused by a lot of fleas.

Ticks are another type of ectoparasite that feed on their hosts’ blood. Not only can a dog with a lot of ticks get anemia, but ticks can also give your dog a dangerous disease. Some of the most common tick-borne diseases in dogs are anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, babesiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Skin mites: These tiny ectoparasites live in the hair follicles of a dog. These mites can irritate the skin and cause fur to fall out, which can lead to skin diseases. Some dogs can also get sick all over because of a serious skin mite infection.

Is There Anything Bad That Can Happen If I Give My Dog Bravecto?

Bravecto is thought to be a safe way to protect your dog from fleas and ticks, but there are a few side effects you should be aware of. Some dogs that took the oral form of Bravecto got sick and slept a lot after taking it, but most of their symptoms went away within 24 to 48 hours. Some pets that use the topical form of Bravecto have had local skin irritation and hair loss, but this usually goes away quickly and without any problems.

To be safe, if your dog shows any of the above side effects, you should talk to your doctor. Dogs who use Bravecto rarely have serious side effects, but it’s always best to keep your vet informed.

How Do I Get My Dog Bravecto?

Bravecto is a way to protect your pet from fleas and ticks. You can only get it from your vet’s office or a pet shop with a prescription from your vet. We recommend getting in touch with your vet if you think oral or topical Bravecto could help your dog.

What You Can Expect From Bravecto

“Fluralaner,” one of the drugs in Bravecto for dogs, kills parasites that live inside or on the skin of animals with fur. Fluralaner is used in many treatments because it is so good at killing fleas and ticks. 

Fluralaner works by stopping the nerves of parasites from working. This makes them lose their grip on their host and die. Obviously, if it can affect a parasite’s nervous system, it can also affect a host’s nerve system.

After giving this drug to your dog, fleas and ticks generally stop biting within 8 to 12 hours. After it has been given, the treatments should last for a total of 8 to 12 weeks. Most vets tell their clients to repeat the treatment every three months to keep fleas and ticks away for good.